Friday, December 18, 2009

Do's and Don'ts: Baby Sleep

Here are some "Do’s and Don’ts":


* Make bedtime a special time. It should be a time for you to interact with your child in a way that is secure and loving, yet firm. At bedtime, spend some special time with your child. Be firm and go through a certain bedtime routine that your child is used to. At the end of that routine the lights go off and it is time to fall asleep.

* Put some thought into finding your child’s ideal bedtime. In the evening, look for the time when your child really is starting to slow down and getting physically tired. That's the time that they should be going to sleep, so get their bedtime routine done and get them into bed before that time. If you wait beyond that time, then your child tends to get a second wind. At that point they will become more difficult to handle, and will have a harder time falling asleep.

* Keep to a regular daily routine—the same waking time, meal times, nap time and play times will help your baby to feel secure and comfortable, and help with a smooth bedtime. Babies and children like to know what to expect.

* Use a simple, regular bedtime routine. It should not last too long and should take place primarily in the room where the child will sleep. It may include a few simple, quiet activities, such as a light snack, bath, cuddling, saying goodnight, and a story or lullaby. The kinds of activities in the routine will depend on the child’s age.

* Make sure the sleep routines you use can be used anywhere, so you can help your baby get to sleep wherever you may be.

* Some babies are soothed by the sound of a vaporizer or fan running. This "white noise" not only blocks out the distraction of other sounds, it also simulates the sounds babies hear in the womb. Small, portable white noise machines with a variety of different sounds are now available.

* Make sure your kids have interesting and varied activities during the day, including physical activity and fresh air.

* Use light to your advantage. Keep lights dim in the evening as bedtime approaches. In the morning, get your child into bright light, and, if possible, take them outside. Light helps signal the brain into the right sleep-wake cycle.


* Never soothe your child to sleep by putting them to bed with a bottle of juice, milk or formula. Water is okay. Anything other than water in the bottle can cause baby bottle tooth decay. Feed or nurse your baby, and then put them down to sleep.

* Don’t start giving solids before about 6 months of age. Starting solid food sooner will not help your baby sleep though the night. In fact, if you give your baby solids before their system can digest them, they may sleep worse because they have a tummy ache! The American Academy of Pediatrics says that breast milk or formula is all a baby needs to eat until six months of age. (See Feeding Your Baby and Toddler on YourChild for more on starting solids.) Contrary to popular belief, a heavier baby or a baby with a stuffed-full tummy is not more likely to sleep through the night.

* Don’t fill up your child’s bed with toys. It’s probably best to keep your child’s bed a place to sleep, rather than a place to play. Too many toys in the bed can be distracting. One or two transitional objects--like a favorite doll, a security blanket, or a special book--are okay, and can help with separation issues. Babies under 4-6 months should have an empty crib to prevent suffocation. (See YourChild: Safe Sleep for more on bedtime safety guidelines.)

* Never use sending your child to bed as a threat. Bedtime needs to be a secure, loving time, not a punishment. Your goal is to teach your kids that bedtime is enjoyable, just as it is for us adults. If the feeling around bedtime is a good feeling, your child will fall asleep easier.

* Don’t give your child foods and drinks with caffeine in them, like hot chocolate, tea, cola, chocolate, etc. Even caffeine earlier in the day could disrupt your child’s sleep cycle.

* Don't let your child watch more than one to two hours of TV during the day, and don't let them watch TV at bedtime at all. TV viewing at bedtime has been linked to poor sleep.

* If your child has a TV set in their bedroom, remove it. Research shows watching TV is linked to sleep problems [2] [3] , especially if the TV set is in the child’s bedroom. The presence of other media, such as a computer, video games or Internet in a kid’s bedroom is also associated with worse sleep [4].

MUST READ!!! > Baby Bedtime Routine

Here are some funny images of Baby Do's and Don'ts!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sleep Problems and Solutions

What’s there to know about sleeping?

Sleep problems are some of the most common problems parents face with their kids. You may wonder about how to get your child to sleep through the night. Maybe you have a new baby and want to learn how to help them develop good sleep habits that will last a lifetime. Some children may have chronic sleep difficulties, and many children (like most adults!) are actually going through their days sleep-deprived. Read on for information on all these issues and more, and for lots of links to even more resources to help your kids (and you) get a better night’s sleep.

What do I need to know about how babies sleep?
Infants go through a complete sleep cycle about every 50-60 minutes, so they are in light sleep and could wake up many times each night!

Newborns just sleep any old time, on and off, all through the day and night. By age four months, your baby will probably be sleeping a 6-8 hour chunk at night, and by age 6 months, about 10-12 hours. But that’s not to say that they won’t wake up during that time! Most babies still wake up at least once a night even at age nine months. Some can get back to sleep by themselves, and some need you to help them fall back asleep. If all this night waking is not working for your family, then you may find some helpful resources on this page, so read on! (Also see, growth and sleep)

How can I tell if my child is sleep deprived? How much sleep do kids need?
This chart shows you some averages. It will give you an idea of the ballpark you should be aiming for, depending on your child’s age. Some kids will need more or less sleep, and differ in how they nap.


Nighttime Sleep


Daytime Sleep


Total Sleep


1 month

8.5 (many naps)

7.5 (many naps)


3 months




6 months




9 months


3 (2 naps)


12 months


2.5 (2 naps)


18 months


2.5 (1-2 naps)


2 years


2 (1 nap)


3 years


1.5 (1 nap)


4 years




5 years




6 years




7 years




8 years




9 years




10 years




11 years




12-13 years




14 years




15 years




16 years




Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Does Your Baby Sleep Well?

'Does he sleep well?' must be one of the questions most often heard by the mother of a new baby.

A baby who sleeps long and often is said to be a 'good' baby. Therefore he must have a 'good' mother. But what about the baby who does not sleep as well as expected, and what about his mother? Frustration, anger and guilt feelings can combine to make a mother feel resentful of anyone else, including her partner, who is able to have a good night's sleep.

Small babies need to wake in the night to feed. It is physiologically desirable for them to wake often to refuel. A newborn's stomach is about the size of a circle made by your thumb and forefinger or the size of your baby's clenched fist. How could this possibly last all night without a refill? It is also important that the breasts be emptied regularly to maintain the mother's milk supply. Some babies need night feeds throughout the first year.

Continue: The Importance of Baby Sleep

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sleep Tips - From 3rd to 6th month

Babies vary a lot in the amount of sleep they need. Between 3 to 6 months some babies have two or three longish sleeps during the day, while others just have short naps. A few sleep 12 hours at night without interruption, some manage 8 hours while many others wake fairly regularly for feeds. Most have learned to sleep more at night than they do during the day.

If you are happy with your baby's sleep pattern, there is no need to change it. There are many ways to be 'normal'.

Sleeping in the same room with parents is safest for babies. Some babies have died while sharing a bed with their parents.

Daytime and night-time patterns

By this age your baby will be starting to learn about the difference between day and night.

* You can help your baby get into a daytime pattern. After he has had a feed, play with him for a while, so that he does not go to sleep straight after a feed. Babies who go to sleep straight after a feed may get into the pattern of needing a feed at night to go back to sleep.

* Watch your baby for signs that he is tired, or for signs that he wants to play, so that the pattern best meets his needs.

* There are lots of things that you can do during play time at this age, such as cuddles, a walk, time on the floor or in a baby seat with toys, going shopping, or visiting.

* These play times will help your baby to learn that daytime is the time to be awake.

* During the day, your baby will usually have two or three sleeps. It is a good idea not to let him sleep for too long (perhaps no more than 2 hours) especially late in the day, as he may not sleep as long during the night. You may want to wake him gently when you see him stirring.

At night time, do not have play times – keep feed times ‘boring’ and settle him straight back to sleep.

Broken sleep makes everyone exhausted and irritable, so, take care of yourself also.

  • Ask for help from family and friends.
  • Get some rest during the day.
  • Take a short break from parenting now and then.
  • Try to get some regular exercise.

You will get lots of advice. Some people may suggest that you let your baby 'cry it out' or that you use controlled crying/comforting. This is not good for babies. Babies need you to respond when they need you. This helps them to feel safe and secure.

Related topics (Must read!): Does your baby sleep well at night?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sleep Tips - From Conception to 3 Months

In the first few weeks after birth, babies sleep more on the day and night. Most wake 2 or 3 times during the night for feeds.

Babies have shorter sleep cycles compared adults and they wake-up or stir about every 30-40 minutes.

By the 3rd month or so, many babies will probably have settled into a pattern of longer times awake during the day, and longer sleep times at night. Most will still be waking once or twice during the night for feeds.

Sleeping in the same room with parents is the recommended and safest suggestion I can offer for young babies. Take note though that sharing a bed with a baby has lead to the deaths of some babies.

Secure attachments in infancy are the base for good mental health. A major need for secure attachment is for a parent to respond to infant needs and cues. It is important not to leave your baby to cry. Do not completely immitate what the grandfather did to the baby in the movie, "Meet the Fockers".

Tired signs- sleep cues

  • Yawning
  • Jerky movements
  • Becoming quiet, not wanting to play
  • “Grizzling” or fussing
  • Rubbing their eyes
  • Making a sleepy sound
  • Crying
  • Facial grimaces i.e. pulling faces
  • Clenched fists
  • Waving arms and legs about
For more tips and a better understanding on baby sleep, please visit the sleep expert's website.